Please fill in your details, and we will contact you as soon as possible.

    Business hours

    • Monday - Friday - 9am - 5pm
    • Saturday - Closed
    • Sunday - Closed

    Get in touch

    • Central store, tel. +30 2310 269 249, Tsimiskí 43 (SATURDAY CLOSED)
    • Central distribution, tel. +30 2310 570 560, Industrial area of Thessaloniki, Sindos 21st Industrial block Α
    • Aristotle University of Thessaloniki branch, tel. +30 2310 200 730, N. Telloglu 13
    • Athens branch, tel. +30 210 7791648, Feidippidou 30 - Goudi
    • Athens branch, tel. +30 210 7474 999, Fokídos 55 - Goudi
    • Larissa branch, tel. +30 2410 536 939, Defkalíonos 1
    • Patras branch, tel. +30 2610 621 324, Kanakári 189
    • Kalamata branch, tel. +30 27210 23 925, P. Kaísari 18
    • Kavala branch, tel. +30 2510 232 190, Doïránis & Karánou 13

    You can also contact our local sellers by phone for your better service.


    What are the hours of operation of the shops

    The shops of Sindos, Athens, and University are open Monday through Friday 08:00-16:00. The rest of the shops operate Monday to Friday 09:00-15:00, except on national holidays.

    I am a new customer – how can I make an electronic order;

    To place an order you must first register in our Eshop. By entering the required information in the form, typing a Username (for convenience your email), and a password of your choice. After your registration, add the desired products to your basket, and press “Complete order”. Then just follow the process by selecting form of payment, destination delivered, etc. For any questions, we remain at your disposal on our call-center.

    Where can I see the status of my orders in the Eshop?

    In order to check the progress of your order, you can be informed by your email. On each stage of the order an electronic correspondence is sent with the order updates. The three stages are:  processing, order on hold, on delivery. Via telephone we can answer any other question you may have.

    I can't find a product.

    You can either search for a product by its category, or use the search tab for specific searches. You can always write us in the final comments of your order for a specific product that is not available in our shop, and a partner will contact you to inform you of the availability, price, etc.

    What is the cost of delivery?

    For Greece the fee is 3,60€ + taxes, for the first package up to 5 kg, and 2,35€ + taxes for every following 5kg package. PCAD members are excluded of such fees.

    What is the cost of delivery for EU countries?

    For countries within European Union the fee is 14,00€ + taxes for each package of 5 kg. However, we share this cost on your benefit, and you are charged 7,00€ + taxes. PCAD members are excluded of such fees.

    Contact numbers

    +30 2310 570 560


    +30 2310 798 535

    Messenger chat


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